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FAQ's For Cartilage

Cartilage connects the bone together, it helps in reducing the friction and provide flexibility.

Regular exercise keeps your cartilage healthy. You can also go for cartilage supplements to keep your cartilage healthy.

Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate supplements are the best supplements to rebuild cartilage.

Hyaline, fibrous, and elastic cartilage are the three types of cartilage.

Oatmeal, turmeric, legumes, nuts, oranges, brown rice are a few of the popular foods that help rebuild cartilage.

Cartilage is a unique tissue type that doesn't have veins or nerves. All things considered, cartilage cells (known as chondrocytes) are in a gel-like "matrix" that gives nourishment to surrounding cells. Cartilage has an extraordinary structure that allows it to retain its shape and flexibility. However, over time cartilage content in the body can decline. Luckily, there are several cartilage regeneration supplements available in the market.

There are three types of cartilage present in the body: hyaline, fibro, and elastic cartilage.

Elastic: This type is found in the ear and epiglottis (situated in the throat) as well as parts of the nose and windpipe. This cartilage serves to give strength and elasticity to organs and body structures, for example, the external ear.

Fibro or Fibrous: Fibrocartilage is found enclosed in cushions known as menisci and in the plates between your spinal bones, known as vertebrae. These cushions are vital to diminishing friction in joints, for example, the knee.

Hyaline: Hyaline cartilage is the most widely recognized type in the body. This cartilage type is found in the larynx, nose, ribs, and windpipe. An extremely thin layer of cartilage is additionally present on hard surfaces, for example, over joints, to cushion them. This hyaline cartilage is also known as articular cartilage.

Cartilage can get harmed after a physical injury or by degeneration, which leads to wearing out over time.

While cartilage is exceptionally useful to the body, it has a disadvantage: it doesn't regenerate just like most different tissues. The cartilage cells known as chondrocytes don't regularly multiply or fix themselves, which means damaged or injured cartilage won't heal well without clinical mediation. To ensure cartilage support, products like cartilage pills, joint builder tablets, cartilage rebuilding supplements, vitamins for cartilage repair, etc are highly recommended.

HerbsDaily has a great collection of supplements for joint repair and cartilage support.
